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So the last few days we have been in northern Guatemala at our new ministry location in Chicaman. Saying goodbye to YWAM was both bitter and sweet. Bitter as in we had to say goodbye to all of our new friends at the base and bitter saying goodbye to all the children we got to meet and just spend time with. But on the other side sweet because my journey continues. I get to see more of the country and I get to see where God is sending me. So I cannot wait to see what this month has to offer.

So far here we have been here about 5 days in Chicaman. And they have been some eventful days! It took us around 5 hours to get here by bus from Guatemala City. We get here and we have our own private house where we are staying. This is a cool thing where everything is on us for cooking and different stuff of that nature. Our ministry host our a younger couple with 4 children that live here in town. The main ministry that we are helping with this month is helping in villages around Chicaman ministering to the indigenous people.

Unfortunately about a year ago a storm came and a huge landslide happened in this village we went to and about 5 homes where completely wiped away. Luckily no one was hurt or killed the only bad part was the families lost everything. They have already finished rebuilding 2 houses in new locations and we are almost done with another 2. So Wesley took me, Ryan, and Jonathan to the village to help with finishing one of the houses. It is about 45 minutes away and half of it is off road so to say it was bumpy is an understatement.

One of the things our host Wesley told us on the way there is how it was dry season here in Chicaman and the surrounding area. And just my luck it has been raining every day since being here! When we get to this mountain village the path we are looking at is straight up and nothing but mud. And this is when God showed me He gave me short legs and an awful balance when walking up a steep hill with no grip. Ryan and Wesley bounded up like two mountain goats and then I’m behind them talking to God asking if he thinks this is funny as I am falling down a mountain. By the end of the day after wiring a house and leveling a floor and falling down at least 47 times I was very tired and just covered in mud. Knowing we where coming again tomorrow God gave me one heck of a gift that I’ll never forget…………RUBBER BOOTS. I think these bad boys are the best purchase I have ever made in my life. And let me tell you I did not fall once once the next day we where there. What a great start to the month!

God Bless and tell someone you love them!

Daniel J. Ford

2 responses to “On to Chicaman!”

  1. Daniel, thank you so much for the update – been praying for your team. Hey guy, want you to also give yourself grace as your recovering from your injury which made that mud climb an extra challenge. Praising God with you for the boots but even more for your tender heart of service there!! May He use you to share His light and love:)

  2. Continually praying for you and your team. So thankful and giving God all the glory for the ministry in which he is using your talents. I love your sensitive heart, your compassion and love for all people.

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